Pbur's Adventures

The life and times of Patrick Burleson

Moulin Rouge! On the Big Screen

Posted on by Patrick

Yes, I know, not exactly current cinema. But tonight Maggie and I went to the ClearView Cinema in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan to see the Moulin Rouge! on the big screen as a part of their Thursday “classics” night. We had missed the movie when it originally played in theaters and thought it would be cool to see the movie with the sound loud and the screen huge.

Probably the funniest thing about this Thursday night regluar gig is the host, Hedda Lettuce, who is quite the Drag Queen. Reminded me a lot of how Kathleen Turner played Chandler’s Dad on Friends. She/He did some stand up jokes of the variety you expect from a drag queen. Best part was her/his interaction with a father and his 10 year old daughter, politely informing them that they were in a theater full of gay people.

As a side note for my friends not familiar with the NYC area, Chelsea has a fairly substantial gay population and Hedda fit right in for the audience. I have never seen so many men arrive eagerly for a musical movie. 🙂

All in all, it was very good to see the movie and the audience reacted well to the film, acting as if they had never seen it. I love the movie, with all of it’s crazy music and amazing acting and awesome color contrasts. If you haven’t seen the Moulin Rouge! I suggest you go rent it today!

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