I found an iPod Vending machine at my local mall recently: Yep, that’s right. You can buy any of the current iPods and several accessories right at this machine with your credit card. I was actually amazed it was in a hidden corner of the mall. I figured something like that would be put out […]
Maggie and I had a kinda odd moviegoing experience this weekend. We left the theater in pretty bad moods. And amazingly, it wasn’t about anyone that was in the theater watching the movie with us. It was all the theater and its staff. We saw “Happy Feet“, a cute kids comedy about a penguin that […]
Below is a video of Stephen Wiltshire, who has autism, drawing the city of Rome from memory after a 45 minute helicopter flight over the city. Oh, it was his first time to ever see it as well. All I can say is, I really, really wish we could figure out how to tap more […]
So I broke the streak yesterday since I didn’t blog. But I’ve definitely gotten the grove back. Today was a great celebration with family and friends. I’m so very thankful for my beautiful wife and son. They show me everything I need to be thankful for. Love you guys!
When Brenden first started sleeping through the night about 3 months ago, he was really good about being put down in his crib and he would go to sleep on his own. For some reason, about a month or so ago, Brenden decided this wasn’t acceptable. As soon as we put him in the crib, […]
With my new iMac comes a program called Comic Life which allows you to take your photos and quickly make comic book style pages with them. Here’s my first one which took a couple of minutes: I know it’s not nearly as good as my friend’s comics, but hey, I can still try and get […]
Today, Maggie’s friend Kelli took our first official family photos, one of which we are going to use to make cutesy Christmas cards with. This will be the first year we’ve done anything like that. I guess it’s really starting to sink in how much we are a family now. Here are a couple of […]
I can’t believe we’ve already been back from New York for a year. It just seems like yesterday we were packing up the apartment and heading out on the road to come back to Texas. Man how times flies. So here’s the next year back home amongst so many friends and our families. We really […]
It’s been a long time since I’ve actually gotten to play, but I really enjoy the game “World of Warcraft”. Blizzard has done a good job of making a game that appeals to both the Hard Core and Casual players (I definitely fall in the latter category). When I do get time, I can generally […]
You need to get up really early and your alarm clock doesn’t go off? That’s what happened to me this morning. I really needed to get up early so I could workout before work. The reason being I had a staff meeting at 11:30, leaving me no time in my day for a workout. Sadly, […]
Since we’ve moved back to Texas, I’ve finally got back into taking the steps (and there are still a lot of them) to finish my degree. In fact, I’ll be changing majors from Computer Science to Business Administration. Quite a drastic change, but to be honest, at this point, I just want a degree. I […]
Here are a couple of links to some interesting iTunes Smart Playlist ideas: Music Only Type Playlists and Playlist for packrats The first link starts out with building a “Music Only” smart playlist, then expands on it by building a “New and Unlistened to” list and others to get you to rate your songs, and […]
Tonight I gave my first bath to Brenden. Up until this point, Maggie had always done it. I don’t know, I was just scared of maiming the little guy. She did supervise, and the kiddo made it. We even had a little splashing fun. I’m still scared of the baby oil though.
And when I say his, I mean it. My aunt Patty runs a monogram shop and made this really cool sweatshirt for Brenden when he was born with his name and the year on it. She made him a ton of things with his name and birth date on them, including a very nice photo […]
About two weeks ago I ordered a new 20″ iMac Core 2 Duo with 2 GB RAM and an 256MB RAM upgrade to the video card. So I’ve since “switched” from a main Windows desktop to an iMac running OS X. Now, those that know me from back in high school will remember a time […]
For those who followed my blog through the early parts of 2005, you know that I had started a new diet and exercise regimen. Just before we moved back to Texas from New Jersey, I had lost roughly 60 pounds or so. I’m sad and embarrassed to say that after returning back home, I lost […]
This is a post a long time coming, like over a year ago long. For those that know me, they know I’m a huge Stephen King fan. ( I know, cue the crazy lady from Misery ) I’ve read just about every word the man has published. And that’s a lot of words. Sometime in […]
During our first visit to The Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children, they let us know about a support group for families of children with Hand Differences called Hands Down. They provide learning materials, meetings, a summer picnic and 3 camps for the kids. We are just getting involved, but so far we’ve been very […]
“What happened in there?” (With apologies to ABC’s The Nine) Well, I’ll tell you what happened. I was on my way to the gym, which is located on the top floor ( the 10th ) of a parking structure in Downtown Dallas. Ironically, the only way to get there is via elevator. Very slow and […]
Maggie, Brenden and I will be making a visit up to the New York City area in December. We’re hoping to see a lot of friends and I of course will be making my way to the Street Meat! We’re going to be staying in a hotel near our old neighborhood. One I walked past […]