Here are a couple of links to some interesting iTunes Smart Playlist ideas: Music Only Type Playlists and Playlist for packrats The first link starts out with building a “Music Only” smart playlist, then expands on it by building a “New and Unlistened to” list and others to get you to rate your songs, and […]
About two weeks ago I ordered a new 20″ iMac Core 2 Duo with 2 GB RAM and an 256MB RAM upgrade to the video card. So I’ve since “switched” from a main Windows desktop to an iMac running OS X. Now, those that know me from back in high school will remember a time […]
For those who followed my blog through the early parts of 2005, you know that I had started a new diet and exercise regimen. Just before we moved back to Texas from New Jersey, I had lost roughly 60 pounds or so. I’m sad and embarrassed to say that after returning back home, I lost […]
This is a post a long time coming, like over a year ago long. For those that know me, they know I’m a huge Stephen King fan. ( I know, cue the crazy lady from Misery ) I’ve read just about every word the man has published. And that’s a lot of words. Sometime in […]
During our first visit to The Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children, they let us know about a support group for families of children with Hand Differences called Hands Down. They provide learning materials, meetings, a summer picnic and 3 camps for the kids. We are just getting involved, but so far we’ve been very […]
“What happened in there?” (With apologies to ABC’s The Nine) Well, I’ll tell you what happened. I was on my way to the gym, which is located on the top floor ( the 10th ) of a parking structure in Downtown Dallas. Ironically, the only way to get there is via elevator. Very slow and […]
Maggie, Brenden and I will be making a visit up to the New York City area in December. We’re hoping to see a lot of friends and I of course will be making my way to the Street Meat! We’re going to be staying in a hotel near our old neighborhood. One I walked past […]
Well, Brenden is just over 6 months old now! I can’t believe how quickly time has passed. It just seems like yesterday that he was born. The last few weeks have been very fun for the little guy. We’ve been to two 1 year old’s parties as well as a wedding. He was very well […]
I went to the Dallas Stars Home Opener on Saturday and while waiting for tickets in the will call line, I saw this guy coming and I loved the front of the jersey. When I saw the back, I had to stop him and take a picture. ( He was pretty sure I was going […]
So it would seem to outside observers that maybe, just maybe, I’d forgotten that I have a blog. Well, the news of my blog’s demise is certainly premature. I know it’s here, I just haven’t been able to sit down and actually post anything. My goal now to rectify that and try to post something […]
Ok, so this post is just a little bit late in coming. But hey, better late than never. For those that have been following my blog, you will know that my most wonderful wife, Maggie, was due in early May to deliver our first child. Well, as she so aptly posted on her blog, that […]
Maggie and Kelli posted this on their blogs and since I’d seen so many I had to do it too. I’ve seen 118 ( out of 200 ) of the movies and most of what I haven’t seen is waiting in our Netflix queue. And what’s really sad is how many times I’ve re-watched some […]
While we were living in New Jersey, a friend of mine convinced me to check out the Sopranos. He loaned me Season 1, and by the end of the box, I was hooked. Maggie and I put the remaining seasons in our Netflix queue and we started watching pretty regularly. When we got closer to […]
I’ve moved my domains over to TextDrive from my co-lo. I couldn’t justify the cost of the co-lo or have the time to properly manage my own machine any more. So for the first time my domains aren’t being hosted on equipment owned and run by myself. But I’m kinda glad to be rid of […]
After class this morning, where I had to give a presentation, I came home and then Maggie and I had a nice cozy afternoon in front of the fire. We watched “Just Like Heaven”, which was a very cute in a chick flick kinda way. ( Ok, ok, I got totally sucked in, but I […]
There’s an old saying about the Weather, “If you don’t like it, give it 5 minutes and it will change.” Well, in Texas those changes can be as big as the state, such as the last 24 hours. Yesterday afternoon it was 80 degrees F here in Dallas. This morning, we’re in the mid 30s. […]
I’ve just come across something that makes me scratch my head. Last night, I went to my univeristy’s website to make a tuition payment, and I was greeted with “The system is currently closed, our hours are the following:”. I couldn’t believe it. An online system to take money didn’t operate around the clock? How […]
Go read his wiretap speech: Pretty much sums up how I feel about how our government keeps invading our lives.
Oh my! It’s been a very long time since I blogged. I mean, it was last year! First, the New York Adventure has come to an end. Over the summer, Maggie and I decided it was time to think about heading back to Texas. It wasn’t anything wrong with New York, we just realized it […]
As a part of our fantastic trip to Niagara Falls, we made a small drive up to Toronto, which was about an hour or so away. On the way, I talked Maggie into being dragged to the Hockey Hall of Fame. I mean, if we’re in Toronto, I’ve got to go to the Hockey Hall […]